Do you simply adore to follow the insightful work of varied talented men and women who give away to their website visitors wonderful and absolutely awesome inspired pieces? I have this obsession at the same time, and recently I came across a lovely blogging site that is created by a brilliant Chinese designer that resides in Europe. Her name is Shirley Chen and she was born in Shanghai but now she lives Sweden and does good and intensely captivating art pieces and as well blends this action with article writing and the fashion industry linked photography. Consequently, on her intensely captivating blog website can be found unique creative illustrations that give to its audience an unique perception of aesthetic.
I was so curious about her enchanting as well as ultra captivating creative illustrator works, that I started to look much deeper into her user profile and found out that in her young age she was really enthusiastic about graffiti and this activity inspired her to generate and paint fantastic illustrations. Aside from that, I have discovered that besides generating genuinely original and enchanting paintings, this particularly gifted and also qualified painter has a love for cats and among her most loved and highly-regarded masterpieces can be found out of ordinary cat illustrations at the same time. So all the kitty buffs, simply will be thrilled to discover captivating and fascinating paintings that represents their adored four-legged friends. Also, being a many-sided creative personality, Shirley is also fascinated with clothing fashion and although, when she did start to generate on her blog 7 years before she was sharing simply just her unbelievable works, now she also specializes in enlightening her audience about china fashion by presenting to her day by day designs and she even brings together them with computer illustrations simultaneously. Also, as it turns out she is also a good indoor designer and by now she had the chance to work for a number of works of art that involved wall decoration, candle holders, fabric and embroidered pillows and more. As you can see, a wonderful mind and soul can exclusively develop fantastic products and produce really brilliant and imaginative ideas!
I guess that at this stage you might be truly curious about to see how she fuses the cat art with fashion and photography to make a special website that attracts day by day plenty of people eager to find out some completely new and inspiring art directions, and I will be more than pleased to encourage you to simply click over the internet link that follows: where you will find what you want to know about Shirley! Stay attuned to her eye-catching works and concepts and your creativeness will become richer and more creative!
For more information about creative illustrations go our web page