Donald Margulies’ play, The Model Apartment,Directed by Marya Mazor, Featuring Giovanni Adams, Marilyn Fox, Michael Mantell & Annika Marks are at Geffen Playhouse.
It is just a poignant drama that lingers following the final curtain. Unfolds with subtlety and surprise says LA Weekly, and Theater Mania, says “The talented four-person ensemble draws the audience into this tragic and relatable drama.”
Max and Lola are retiring to Florida, desperately hoping to live out their golden years in relaxation and respite. Nevertheless the life they have forgotten quickly comes calling, plunging their deluxe seaside condo in to a nightmare tinged with the brutality with their past. We return to an early on work by Pulitzer Prize winner and Geffen Playhouse favorite Mental Illness (The nation House, Time Stands Still, Dinner with Friends) on bearing witness to some haunting family history.
For more info about Mental Illness go our new site: web link